
Name of colors

Color color color...There are thousand shade and hue of colors. If I told you that my favorite color is blue. Your blue may not like mine..How about "my favorite is light blue as light sky with some clouds". That would be closer. So when I saw beautiful blue sky, I always point out and say "That is exactly my blue!"

I'm about to share the name of colors list which help me a lot in work and communicate. Just wander around the list of colors(link here) and you will find so many beautiful color's name like Deep champagne, Misty rose, Twilight lavender.Some are funny and I have no idea what color they are so let guess..Jazzbery jam?Fuzzy wuzzy?

Have fun :)


R.I.P. my Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs
The speech you gave at Stanford is the best. You were the inspiration to many people including me.
you will always be with us...always

Stay hungry.Stay foolish.


Headband addicted

Last month, one of my friends told me that headband is becoming my symbol. Like any addictor, I just knew that I'm a HEADBAND Adicted! I don't care much what I dressed as long as I have something on my head. It make me feel safe and complete my look! Don't you agree?

These pictures came from my FB ;)


DIY Bird Mobile Pattern

I found this bird moblile pattern from DIY Say Hi. It's very easy and fun. I used 2 pieces of left over fabric, match them and cut follow the pattern. Then sew it and stuff! You will finished within an hour. The bird pattern have a very clear description so I'm sure that every one can do it.
My little too fat bird.

Have fun


My Birthday wish in light blue

I made this blue wish list treasury last night and it appeared on Etsy's Front page! Over thousand people saw and love them...It's a wonderful birthday gift for me...

Just want to share my happiness with you :D


Sweet Day Dream

My last two weeks were super busy. Back to last month, since I got new job at Sweet Day Dream :D We went out for product shooting day. Actually I am a product designer but I love to photograph too!! These are some of my behind the scene shots.
Picnic in the garden (just 10 minutes after it's stop raining)
And picture below by P'big, our sweet papa.
Hope you love all sweet products as I do

Sweet Day & Sweet Dream


I love patchwork

I just bought this I heart patchwork book by Rashida Coleman-Hale. I love how she chose color and fabric combination. My favorite projects are blossom pincushion and button calendar.

However This book take me to her lovely space I heart linen and introduced me to “Zakka” a style of art and craft that is simple, charming, and of Japanese esthetic. Most items in the zakka style are handmade…I learn and absorb most of my inspiration from Japanese handmade style. I always love Japanese simple but delicate design and now I know its call handmade Zakka style ^-^



Flower Freak

It's me! I am a flower freak. Just look at these beautiful handmade flower and told me that you do too!!

And you know what..this is just a part of my treasury!!


iPod cover tutorial

I just made my new iPod cover! Umm.. actually it's a new cover for my old ipod nano. After I googling for iPod cover tutorial, I decide to sketched my own and made this Puppy iPod cover with headset holder.This DIY iPod cover is very easy to made and you really can do it without sawing machine. Moreover you can adapt this tutorial for your iPhone or mobile or whatever you like!

- Brown and Dark brown felt sheet
- Brown and Black thread
- Two black beads (eyes)
- Elastic band

Let's do it!!
1. Draw outline of your iPod.
2. Draw outline offset 1/4 inch.
3. Cut out 2 piece of brown felt sheet.
4. Cut 4 piece of brown felt sheet for mouth, hands and tail.
5. Cut 2 piece of dark brown for ears.
6. Stitched ears, eye beads, nose, face, to 3. (front) and stitched tail to another 3. (back)
7. Put 2 pieces together and stitched them. Don't forget to skip 1/4 inch at bottom for headset!
8. Attach elastic band with hand pieces and saw firmly to body
9. Finished.

Enjoy making your own iPod outfit ^-^


Classic felt flower tutorial

After my Felt Christmas Flower project, I still looking for more pattern of flower felt and found this lovely classic felt flower tutorial by Mrs. Priss. She's so so so lovely and same age as me!

All you need are felt, glue and cute button and you will get THIS!

Just stitched to a hairpin or brooch and you will get handmade vintage felt flower hair pin or brooch ^0^

Have Fun


My Online Shop at Etsy

Good new! I just open my handmade accessories,craftyhoney ,shop at Etsy. You can click here to look around

or go to

Thank you for your support:D


Quick and easy banana muffin

Muffin is the easiest dessert I’ve ever bake… no need blender ,just mix all ingredient and bake at 400°F until tops are lightly browned. Then, you get yummy banana muffin for your afternoon coffee.

So..you should try one

miss you
Crafty Honey


Bedside table makeover

Sunday evening, I had a little makeover project with this bedside table that brought from flee market. Just a little fixes with glue, clean the surface. I chose a white paint color with white fur to cover the table top. Here come a new furniture for my shop!

This table look really great for newbie like me!!

Crafty Honey


Up to you!!

I have been busy starting my own little shop...Up to you. I gave all my heart and hands in it. I designed logo and interior within a night. I drove to everywhere looking for my dream furniture, nice clothes and accessories, decorative items and many more. Thank to my mom & sister's helps. Now, two week later, everything going well and my shop looks really nice.

(My sister take care of shop)

Think I should do this long long time ago :)
Crafty Honey