

I just have a big cleaning day for my room.I found two key rings and a bracelet,with my name on it, in my messy drawer. I made them myself when i was in 6th grade and that was very popular in school. So they're 12 years old!!

That's make a lot of questions appear in my head.
Why I have 2 key rings while i didn't own any key?
How these things were very hit in my school? no one allowed to wear it!
How did i make it?
wow they still look very brand new. I'm so proud of "11 years old" me

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Unknown กล่าวว่า...

แกควรจะ big clean ทุกห้องเลยนะ รกมากกกกกกกกกกกก


สร้อยนั่นมันฮิตเมื่อสมัย วัยละอ่อน เลยนะเนี่ย
